101 in 505 list

This was my original list created on January 1, 2012. I hope to accomplish these items below before May 2013. Check out the items in purple bold below for what I have done!


1.Write one blog post per week for one year (42/52)

2.Read nine books (6/9)

3.Buy a pair of Tory Burch boots

4.Scrapbook our wedding and honeymoon by summer 2012

5.Renew my passport

6.Graduate with distinction with my Master’s (they no longer award the distinction honor, but I graduated with a 3.94 GPA)

7. Make one new Pinterest recipe each month (10/15)

8. Ride Tigger two weekends per month when it is nice out (2/16)

9. Attend a fun horse show hosted by Abby once with Tigger

10. Buy a sewing machine and use it six times (0/6)

11. Become a Team Leader in Mary Kay

12. Have my hair done by Deidra

13. Get a pedicure for every two races completed in 2012

14. Have pictures taken by Laura for Christmas Card 2012

15. Print off all photos from 2006-2009 by Summer 2012

16. Print off all photos from 2009-2011 by December 2012

17. Attend church once per month (7/15)

18. Interact with 10 students in Missouri about K-State College of Ag

19. Take a cooking class

20. Give a handmade gift

21. Cook/Bake 5 recipes from the new Pioneer Woman cookbook

22. Plan meals one month at a time and grocery shop once a month (7/16)

23. Go to K-State watch party with friends or K-State Alumni event

24. Get an expensive gift for myself for graduation (I bought a Kindle Fire!)

25. Create several pages on my blog


26.Eat at 5 “Diners, Driven-ins and Dives” Restaurants with Todd (1/5)

27.Take a girls trip

28.Run a 10K race with Kelsey and Pat in Nebraska(sort of, but in Manhattan!)

29.Visit Katelyn in Florida

30.Spend a weekend with Megan in Omaha

31.Go to a concert at the Sprint Center

32.Go to a production at the Robidoux Resident Theatre

33. Tailgate at a Chiefs football game

34. Attend a home Northwest football game with Todd

35. Take an extended weekend getaway with Todd for our first anniversary

36. Attend a Junior League conference

37. Go on a hunting trip with Todd

38. Go to Ernie’s to eat dinner with KaCee

39. Spend a weekend with Kelsey and Ronny in Nebraska

40. Take my niece to the museums in St. Joseph


41.Pay off credit card debt

42.Save $5 for each thing accomplished (0/505)

43.Pay $500 per month four times in 2012 for student loans (0/4)

44. Have 4 months of take-home pay built up in savings

45. Save Todd’s car payment back for new car fund (1/15)

46. Purchase private health insurance for Todd (don't have to now!)

47. Complete “Life Book” with all important information

48. Contribute $1,000 to IRA for Todd’s retirement

49. Contribute to K-State, AFA, Second Harvest and CAP through a donation
50. Find out my credit score

Family & Friends

51.Take my family out for a meal and pay

52. Attend a concert with my brother

53.Visit Derek and Christina twice in 2012 

54.Go on a shopping trip with mom and pay for her purchase

55.Take Brandon and Dad to a Royals game

56.Call my grandparents once per month for a year (0/12)

57.Write personal cards to friends (3/12)
58. Go to Weston for a day with friends

59. Host a Christmas Cookie Swap with friends

60. Go to lunch with St. Joe friends once per month (8/12)

61. Attend one home K-State football game with Theta sisters

62. Spend a weekend with Julie in Manhattan

63. Learn donor database system at work

64.Begin CFRE certification

65. Meet with my mentor twice in 2012 (one of two)

66. Complete 90 faces in first 100 days of 2012

67. Finish online Photoshop course

68. Create portfolio of MK work with bridal, professional and regular (started this)

69. Meet the annual campaign goal

70. Have 300 in attendance at the first CAP St. Joe fundraising event (we had 100 guests, but it still happened which I'm proud of!)

71. Hire an intern for a summer internship for PR/Marketing (and she is fabulous!)

72. Complete Diamond Star status for the MK year

73. Earn a luncheon for MK Seminar

74. Host a workshop on message training for staff

75. Successfully complete/have funded 10 grants


76. Go one month without eating out

77. Run two 10Ks in 2012 

78. Go to spin class twice per month for two months

79. Use the Kinect Zumba game twice per month

80. Eat protein for breakfast for two weeks

81. Run one race per month for 9 months (9/9)

82. Have a professional shoe fitting

83. Buy one summer and one winter workout outfit after 2 races completed in the season

84. Plan to run a race with friends not close to home

85. Drink 40 oz. of water each day for a month


86.Sell one household item per month not in use (11/12)

87.For every one piece of clothing bought, donate/sell one

88.Clean out car (vacuum and clean) four times (1/4)

89.Plant an indoor herb garden

90.Paint buffet and decorate as mini bar

91. Make ruffled burlap tree skirt for Christmas tree

92. Make homemade dog treats

93. Create dog food container for kitchen

94. Finish wedding card holder

95. Paint/Recover Filing Cabinet in Office

96. Call five friends to chat in a month

97. Treat myself to a massage

98. Paint mailbox with stencil

99. Have a garage sale (We made $800!)

100. Give an update on my success once per month on my blog

101.Made a new 101 in 505 after this one is done

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