Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Passing on The Liebster Award Love...

Have you heard of the Liebster award? No? Well me either until I was reading through my usual blogs this morning and came across my friend Nicole Starr's blog. She created an interesting post on this concept for others to share up-and-coming blogs. Love that! So here are the details of the award...

1. Choose five up and coming blogs to give the award to, must have 200 or less followers.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. List the blogs you gave the award to with links to their sites. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award.
5. Share five random facts about yourself.

So here goes my part of the award-giving:

My thanks of course goes to Nicole because she gave a shout-out to my blog and I was so gosh-darn-excited to see that! I just love her, even though we have only met each other a few times back when I worked at the American Hereford Association. Since then we have kept in touch about things ag, cattle, advocacy for agriculture, etc., and I love hearing about her craftiness, new career in the ag PR world, running feats and other things. You should definitely check out her blog here

My five blogs you should check out:

1. Living Mama Style--Oh where to begin about my sweet friend Janie? Janie and I met a number of years ago because of past relationships we both are no longer involved in, but have stayed in touch through K-State and now our blogs! She is one of the most tenacious, bright and compassionate ladies I know. Janie and her husband had their little girl a little over a year ago and had some challenges with their baby's skin. Janie took it upon herself to research and create house cleaning products that were natural and safe. How cool is that? I personally LOVE the laundry soap she created. It smells divine and works! She also has great recipes and advice for families who like hers are always on the go.

2. A Little Birdie Told Me--I would be completely remiss if I didn't mention my best friend's blog for this award. Kelsey and I are "twins" through our friendship that started as sorority sisters in Kappa Alpha Theta at K-State. She is truly one of my dearest friends whom I have so much admiration for with all she does to promote agriculture. Her husband, Ronny, and fur-child, Hank, live in Nebraska. You can read on her blog about all of her travels (so jealous!), gardening tips, craft projects, and other happenings. 

3. Roth's Child--If you want one of the best belly laughs you've had in a while you have to check out Carra's blog. By no means am I laughing at her family, but only empathizing at what I am sure to be my life in a couple of years. She is oh-so-witty, and I love how she is using her blog as a way to remind her children of details of their childhood in future years. 

4. Aspiration--Another sorority sister, Mandy, is half way around the world studying lemurs in Madagascar. Yes, you read that correctly. How totally awesome is that? She is so smart and ambitious, and I would not have expected anything less than what she is doing now. You'll love reading about her adventures most of us only dream about in the jungle! 

5. Born to Pharm--A great blog about life as a wife and daughter to farmers and soon-to-be pharmacist. Melissa has been a friend since high school in FFA and became my sorority sister at K-State. She finished her degree at K-State in agriculture but is now studying to be a pharmacist at UMKC. She does a fantastic job relating ag and farming topics to things every day consumers she comes into contact with are concerned about. I also love that she and I have a mutual love for advocating about agriculture even though our careers have taken a different path out of agriculture. 

And finally, random facts about myself:

1. I actually love to go turkey hunting and fishing with my husband. It's a newly formed hobby since meeting him, but I really enjoy being outdoors, enjoying nature and of course being with him. 
2. I have been on a "magazine" cover twice. I was featured in the local Josephine magazine once for a contest and the other for my Mary Kay business. 
3. I have a guilty obsession of office products. What most people find mundane in Office Max or Depot, I find as heaven. I love organization and new office supplies!
4. Food is one of my favorite things, and I think of myself as a lover of all types of food. I am really not picky at all. I am, though, the worst cook as I never have time to truly make great meals. 
5. I shop almost 75 percent of the time at thrift stores and garage sales for my clothing. I used to be so embarrassed by it because my mom would only buy clothes the same way for us growing up. However, when I can find name brand clothes for pennies on the dollar as that of a regular store, I get very excited. How else can I change my wardrobe almost completely every 6 months?! I do love buying accessories so I splurge on those but buy staple clothing pieces at a bargain. Smart consumer!


  1. Thanks for passing on the Liebster love, Melissa! Your kind words about my blog mean a lot and I'm honored to be selected as one of the 5 blogs you chose for this award!

  2. Thanks for recommending these blogs. Can't wait to check them out. Great random facts too! Fun for this award to keep on going! Hope you had a great long weekend!
