I really have no idea what got me hooked on the Boston Terrier breed; I always say it was the Disney movie, Lilo and Stitch because I thought whomever designed Stitch must have been a Boston owner. No one I have ever known prior to me owned one, but I just knew throughout college I wanted one. After graduation and finally settling in Wathena, my mom and I went to KC for my job interview for an Extension job and hit the Independence mall when we were done. We should have known, as most of our shopping trips go, that we should have skipped right on past the pet store. Nope, of course we had to stop in and low and behold in the far corner they had a little Boston puppy. Oh, I wanted him so bad. He was so cute, loveable, and a licker. We ended up taking him home, and that was my first Boston, Tux. He was born on Christmas Eve and became the love of my life at the that time. Here is one of his puppy pictures:
Melissa's Lil Tuxedo was such a great little Boston. |
He grew up fast, and summertime came. The "past life" gave me one of the best birthday presents ever, Miss Tillie Mae. I have to be honest though, I really didn't want her. I wanted my boy, Tux. She was not as cute as Tuxers and I couldn't care for two dogs. So she stayed with me, and Tux went with the "past life," and on weekends we'd see each other. Here is a picture of Tillie when she was a pup:
She is a sweetheart. She loves to snuggle. |
That was a big mistake, though. When the "past life" did what he did as I mentioned in the previous blog post, he took Tux away from me. I was heartbroken since my parents had given me the dog for my graduation gift. I would never get him back if I didn't want to go to court over it, so I let it drop. Every year around Christmas Eve, I think of my little Tux man and get a little sad not knowing how he is doing.
I thought I'd be a one-dog-household for a while after that ordeal, and we were for about a year until Todd played one of his jokes on me for our one-year anniversary. We had wanted to redo the bathroom, and he had picked out a used vanity on Craigslist in Warrensburg and told me that was what I was getting as my present. I was pretty excited and waited all night for him to come home. When he did walk in the door, his winter coat was a little larger than normal and out pops this little black and white bundle of Boston love. I thought it was another joke as he had talked about "surprising" his dad with a dog for his upcoming birthday. I didn't realize the dog was for us. That is how Willie came to be in our home. Here is a picture of Willie and Tillie meeting the first time:
Tillie went crazy over him. They really do love playing with each other. |
Needless to say, Tillie and Willie have been an absolute joy in our house. Dog lovers who don't have children understand that dogs really do become your children, and they certainly run the roost in our house. The Boston breed sure does have its idiosyncrasies like the snoring, farting, inability to stay warm or get to hot, running like a crazy man around the house and ah yes, the infamous shred of any toy that comes to the house. This is what I got to look forward to the last few days while putting away all our Christmas decorations:
The two amigos doing what they do best, shredding any toy they have. Look at their innocent faces. |
But I wouldn't trade my time with Tux, Tillie or Willie for anything. They are just such a funny breed to have and so loveable. I think they are rather smart; some people beg to differ. Either way, I love them, and I hope Todd continues to let me have at least one of them around. Oh, and if you are a dog lover and want a great read about happiness and life, you have to read this:
Bostons like this one can be so ugly, but I personally think this is the best thing about Bostons. They are so ugly, they are cute! |
Until next time!