Thursday, January 31, 2013

The not-so-glamorous side of running...

I got a little inspiration from another runner/blogger today as I read Shut Up and Run's 10 things that are not so fun about running. Check it out here. Pretty funny, yet true, stuff!

From my own personal experiences I would agree with most of them, including:

1. The not cheap part. I totally agree with this! When you figure even running a 5K is about $25-40 a crack, that can add up quickly. What I've learned as I've up'ed my mileage is to not waste money on smaller races. That is not to discredit smaller races by any means. I ran 11 of them in 2011 to keep me going. But I've learned I have to run at least 3 miles most days so paying for a 5K is kind of silly for me now. I also don't look to do any big, commercial races anytime soon like the Rock 'N' Roll series or Disney that are $100+ for a half or full marathon. That's a lot of bank for a race!

Not to mention the extras you need to buy like moisture-wicking clothes (not cheap!), good shoes (not cheap!), and all other things you think you need like compression socks, chews, gels, a hat, sunglasses, compression shorts, winter clothes, summer clothes, and it could go on!

But I still keep truckin' along and have learned to run with a few basic things and try to go without others.

2. There's always another goal. I felt like once I did a 5K, I'd be legit. Well that just fueled my fire to do more races. Then I jumped into the half-crazy group of doing half marathons. Now I'm doing the fully-crazy marathon training. There's always a better time you can go for, more distance, more hills, etc. so it's always challenging. Yet, that's the fun part right?

3. Dogs. Ugh, can I just say I HATE dogs that chase me. Really, I just wouldn't mind taking a gun and shooting them. Wrong of me yes, but when they come across the road just to try to bite me, I think that is absurd on the owner's part. I've gotten pepper spray, tried to be nice, all that stuff, but I still avoid a part of our road two houses down just because of a stupid, vicious dog.

4. Friends who think you've gone crazy. Yes, most of my friends think I am obsessed with running, and don't really get it. I am also by no means a great runner so it's not like I am going for a Boston qualifying time either. I just do what I can to stay healthy, and I like to run. I do avoid a lot of foods, don't drink alcohol other than once or twice a year, and sometimes forgo activities just to fit in a run. Running, however, has helped me feel better about myself, gain confidence that I can push my body to do something BIG, and create a healthy lifestyle for the long-term.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January New Find...

I love finding new things, don't you? I'm going to feature one new one per month.

My sister-in-law sent me this little find in early January because I was planning her baby shower and all, and she knows I love Etsy. Very Jane is like Groupon, but it's all vintage, homemade, or crafty Etsy but great deals! There is a limited supply of items, but range from clothing to jewelry to household items. I snagged some cute pillow covers and a scarf already! Sign up for the daily email here.

Very Jane is an online deal site for all things vintage, homemade, crafty, etc.
*~*Do any of you have other online stores or mail services you like? What are they?*~*

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Evaluating the 101 list...

Just as the first two weeks of the new year come to a close, I wanted to reevaluate my 101 list a bit.

I love having little things to work towards for self-improvement as well as general categories I should focus a bit more on so the concept of 101 is good for me. Yet, BIG things have changed in our lives in the last year so some of the goals just are not going to happen. Here are a few tweaks to my list.

3.Buy a pair of Tory Burch boots--We are now using the Dave Ramsey system of a budget and envelope system for cash, therefore, any extra purchases are a no-no. Oh, a girl can dream though!
10. Buy a sewing machine and use it six times (0/6)--Again a repeat of #3. 

11. Become a Team Leader in Mary Kay--Still getting there. Lots of activity happening this month so not only will I hit this but Future Director by the end of the MK year. It. Is. Done.

12. Have my hair done by Deidra--She is now my future sister-in-law so I think this qualifies as not cheating on your hair dresser, right? 

13. Get a pedicure for every two races completed in 2012--I am HORRIBLE about pampering my feet. I just don't see the sense in it but I will get one after the marathon, when I finish the training!

18. Interact with 10 students in Missouri about K-State College of Ag--The K-State College of Ag sadly did away with the AgBackers group I was a part of so I'll have to figure out another way of talking about K-State and ag at another time. 

19. Take a cooking class--repeat of #3

35. Take an extended weekend getaway with Todd for our first anniversary--This didn't happen, and obviously won't, but we had an amazing first year with a great trip together to Florida twice!

63. Learn donor database system at work--All of these things below are now not something I do in my new job. So with the new list in May I'll create some new work goals. 

64.Begin CFRE certification

65. Meet with my mentor twice in 2012 (one of two)

67. Finish online Photoshop course

69. Meet the annual campaign goal

74. Host a workshop on message training for staff

75. Successfully complete/have funded 10 grants

66. Complete 90 faces in first 100 days of 2012--Didn't happen BUT I am setting it as a goal for completing by May 1, 2013. 

89.Plant an indoor herb garden--Let's be honest. I have attempted this twice now and cannot get the darn thing to grow. Grrr.

95. Paint/Recover Filing Cabinet in Office--DECLUTTER. We got rid of that sucker. 

So some updates, but still working on the others.

*~*Do any of you make "bucket" lists? What are some of your goals?*~*

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Spreading the Love...

I am a small business owner, therefore, I understand the power of networking and word of mouth from customers. In fact, just this past weekend I had a fabulous facial/makeover with a referral from a friend. It is refreshing to meet some new people in the new year.

I hope to "spread the love" in future months too, but without further ado, two of my friends:

First, I am often asked who does our photos or who would be a good photographer on my Facebook feed, so I oblige and happily tell friends they will find no other more creative, natural, easy-going photographer than Laura with Laura Benitz Photography

Without words, her work can transform you to a number of emotions. Like this one, just watch...

She will forever have captured the moments in our life that I hold most dear. Like these...
That special walk with my dad and the sincere emotion of marrying the man of my dreams
surrounded by God's love and our family and friends. 
He is my love!
She and I are working on a few things together, and I'd like to formally announce she is my preferred vendor of choice when talking to brides while working my Mary Kay business as well as taking our (and future family's) photos. If you'd like to contact her please check out her website or call Laura at 816-676-8054.

Next up is a friend whom I have only met a couple of times from our ties to agriculture, but she is a great friend of my best friend (small world, huh?) through their careers. When my best friend, Kelsey, had her Christmas cards done this year, Claire helped her design them. I was in need of a few things designed for my business and asked if anyone would be willing to help. Claire jumped on the chance, and I am so impressed by her skill and timeliness. I didn't give her much notice, and she still delivered a great product. I am definetely going to use her much more in the future for design help with postcards, graphics for this blog, and other things that a creative eye can make. Please let Claire know any of your needs, and she is your girl! 
The cute button she made for one of the blogs I am featured on. 
Claire Masker can be reached at

**These recommendations are in no way a paid advertisement on this blog. Simply, they are a few of my good friends with small businesses whom I love to spread the love and word about if you're in need of ideas for the future.**

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bring it On, 2013...

Ready for a New Year!
With a day into the new year, it goes without saying many of us have resolved to do better, spend less, weigh less, give more, etc., in the new year. All of those things are good intentions. I have learned through others and my own way of doing things, that you must put a plan to your goals. "A goal without planning is just a wish," said Antoine de Saint-Exupery. So many of my 2013 goals have been thoughtfully planned over the last month. I also know that I need to "focus" and have a bad tendency to over commit and not do my best in all that I do. It was said by Mary Kay Ash, that "if the things you are doing do not bring you closer to God, your family, or your business, then you need to refocus your priorities," and I plan to focus on those time-suckers in my life.

With that said, this is my year. 2013 is my year to be a life-giver, an influencer, and a blessing in people's lives. Whether that's through more meaningful relationships with actual time spent working on them, an example for others to follow because I "walk the walk and talk the talk", or by encouraging others to follow their God-given potential in fitness and with their family-life balance.

Here are my goals for this year:

1. Finish the Queen's Court of Sales in Mary Kay ($36,000 retail in sales for the year, and YES I need your support and help to do this!!) to provide many financial opportunities to my family.
2. Actively seek 10 women who need more, want more, aspire to be more to their families and friends this year. There is NO doubt in my mind that the Mary Kay business is the answer to many of the headaches and heartaches my friends and customers face. I would not be able to do what I do nor provide what I can for my family if it were not from the personal growth, friendships, self-confidence, dreams, and money from my Mary Kay business. Be on the lookout for more of that this year.
3. Train and complete a full marathon. I thought graduate school was the ultimate mental test, yet it wasn't. I thought a half marathon was a HUGE mental obstacle to work through, it was challenging, but I did it. So moving forward, I think the full marathon will be a big test, and I'm sure it will be for that point in time. BUT, what I learned through all of these challenges is that my body and mind can do SO much more than I am willing to think it can.
4. Begin or end each day with spending time in the Word. There is so much I am thankful for, but I feel I have not yet realized the full power of the Lord in my life, and I need that.
5. Write a to-do list each day. Yes, that seems so trivial and small, but I know "focus" will help me realize what I am doing and spending my time on.
6. Start a family...there, I said it. This has been a hard one for me. I will spend more time on this emotional (for me) topic in coming posts, but I feel completely open to having a baby now, God willing.

With each of these goals, I have plans and systems in place on how to achieve them. Stay tuned for updates!

*~*What are some of your goals for 2013? Any areas you plan to focus on or tips on how to achieve the goals? *~*