Well here is the big announcement I have waited a few days to let it sink in before I announce it to the world.
I am kicking things up a notch on my running endeavors and am training for a half marathon. I trained for one back in 2008, but never really got to finish the full race because of some injury. I ran only part of it. I really hope I can actually do the event on May 19th in Joplin. This is the newly changed Joplin Memorial Run as it is on the first anniversary of the tornado that struck Joplin and killed 162 people. (On a side note: did you all watch Extreme Home Makeover on its final episode?! Oh my, how much that hit home with my sister-in-law and her husband, Derek, actually helping with the event but also living it each day after the tornado. Derek was featured in a commercial for American Family because of their efforts in rebuilding Joplin.)
The only problem is the night before 3.5 hours north in St. Joseph, my work is going to have its first ever fundraiser, which I am entirely in charge of. So we'll see how "wonderful" I really do at the half marathon on less than 5 hours of sleep. I'm praying my mother-in-law will drive with me so I can catch a bit of a snooze on the way down to Joplin.
So now the hard part...training. I have read lots and reviewed some training and believe I have found a perfect solution. I am using the Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer. I am not training for the full marathon, but the two trainers sure make you feel like you could do one! The training is based on a class at the University of Northern Iowa that has been going on since the late 80s. They have trained all sorts of people, 250+, to run a full marathon in five months. All but one student completed a marathon. That says something about their plan. They are big on saying it's not about the time on your first one, just finishing. I agree with that. I just want to finish, and finish in enough time to where I don't get culled out because I am running too slow. They really push for only four days of training to avoid injury as that is the number one problem (as was mine) of most first-time marathoners. I am using another Runner's World method to reach a 10K distance for now until the middle of February when I can start using the real marathon training. At 2.5 months you should be running a long run of 15 miles with the Iowa training so that would put me at the first of May running a half marathon which is perfect timing. Let's hope it all goes as it should.
Throw in there a bit of Trails West! planning, finishing my master's degree in May, finishing my best MK year yet, Junior League, and oh yah, that little fundraiser/annual campaign we are doing at work which is a HUGE undertaking itself. BUT...you only live once, and I need to do this for myself to say I did it. I would also be remiss if I didn't mention I have a pretty good support group with my brother, sister-in-law who is running in Joplin too, and my best friends, Hannah, who is also training for an April half marathon, and Kelsey, who is a running buddy too. Hannah has been my running buddy since this whole thing started last May. Wow, I just realized that in one year's time I will have gone from walking part of a 5K to "cross your fingers" finishing a half marathon! Whoo to that!
On that note, I'll keep you updated as the progress goes along.
So far these last two weeks I have done 2-3 miles four days a week. This weekend is my long run of 4 miles. ;0 Oh boy!
Good luck! Sounds like you'll be busy this year.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I am excited for it all to come together, and I often think what would I do if I were not so busy...drive myself crazy I'm sure! :)
ReplyDeleteYou can do it! I am trying to get the courage to sign up for the Sandhills 1/2 out in western NE - mostly because I'd get to run in the country. :) You inspire me!