Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Evaluating the 101 list...

Just as the first two weeks of the new year come to a close, I wanted to reevaluate my 101 list a bit.

I love having little things to work towards for self-improvement as well as general categories I should focus a bit more on so the concept of 101 is good for me. Yet, BIG things have changed in our lives in the last year so some of the goals just are not going to happen. Here are a few tweaks to my list.

3.Buy a pair of Tory Burch boots--We are now using the Dave Ramsey system of a budget and envelope system for cash, therefore, any extra purchases are a no-no. Oh, a girl can dream though!
10. Buy a sewing machine and use it six times (0/6)--Again a repeat of #3. 

11. Become a Team Leader in Mary Kay--Still getting there. Lots of activity happening this month so not only will I hit this but Future Director by the end of the MK year. It. Is. Done.

12. Have my hair done by Deidra--She is now my future sister-in-law so I think this qualifies as not cheating on your hair dresser, right? 

13. Get a pedicure for every two races completed in 2012--I am HORRIBLE about pampering my feet. I just don't see the sense in it but I will get one after the marathon, when I finish the training!

18. Interact with 10 students in Missouri about K-State College of Ag--The K-State College of Ag sadly did away with the AgBackers group I was a part of so I'll have to figure out another way of talking about K-State and ag at another time. 

19. Take a cooking class--repeat of #3

35. Take an extended weekend getaway with Todd for our first anniversary--This didn't happen, and obviously won't, but we had an amazing first year with a great trip together to Florida twice!

63. Learn donor database system at work--All of these things below are now not something I do in my new job. So with the new list in May I'll create some new work goals. 

64.Begin CFRE certification

65. Meet with my mentor twice in 2012 (one of two)

67. Finish online Photoshop course

69. Meet the annual campaign goal

74. Host a workshop on message training for staff

75. Successfully complete/have funded 10 grants

66. Complete 90 faces in first 100 days of 2012--Didn't happen BUT I am setting it as a goal for completing by May 1, 2013. 

89.Plant an indoor herb garden--Let's be honest. I have attempted this twice now and cannot get the darn thing to grow. Grrr.

95. Paint/Recover Filing Cabinet in Office--DECLUTTER. We got rid of that sucker. 

So some updates, but still working on the others.

*~*Do any of you make "bucket" lists? What are some of your goals?*~*


  1. Bummed they did away with Agbackers, so it might effect a few of the alumni goals I had too!

  2. Yes! I was bummed since I live in a new state I wanted to still have a connection.
