101 Update:
2. I've read a few more books, which I'm really happy about! I love having my Kindle Fire and it makes reading so much easier when I want to stay up to not have the light on bothering my husband. There may have been a few nights turn into days where I've needed extra caffeine because I couldn't put down my book. So add 2 more to the list!
8. I moved Tigger, my horse, about two months ago to a new home about 20 miles north of our house. I'll be honest, it is terribly hard to convince myself to ride him so far away. I feel TERRIBLE, seriously. I have no excuses, but I make plenty of excuses. I'm sure he doesn't mind since he doesn't have to work. I did ride him though a few times at his new home which has a nice arena and trails. I hope the weather stays nice and I can focus more on him after my half marathon next week.
14. We're getting our pictures taken by Laura Benitz on the 23rd of October and I'm super excited!
17. We're working on attending church more. Again, no excuses other than making excuses to not go. I hope we can go this weekend.
18. I'm sad the Ag Backers program from K-State's College of Agriculture is no longer around. I want to remain involved in promoting K-State, most importantly, agriculture! I hope to attend this on November 8th!
I'll stop there for now! I have a few more updates, but I don't want to get too lengthy!!
Sounds like you are doing great. Tell me more about Ag Backers not being around or maybe you could shoot me an email. They were the ones that always put on the spring golf tournament right?
Crystal, they were a group of ag alumni the College asked to help with recruitment in various aspects from scholarship nights to just calling potential students to check in on their decision to go to K-State. From the letter I received, the college decided it wasn't an effective tool anymore so they no longer are asking us to participate. I'm bummed since, like you, I no longer live in Kansas and don't get a chance to interact as much with K-State, I felt this was a way I could help the College in my area. Hopefully there will be something else come around for us out-of-staters to do.